Beating Censorship (China/Iran)

In today’s world, where digital freedom faces serious challenges, we at Tegant VPN are excited to unveil our latest advancement: the Xray protocol. This groundbreaking feature is tailored to overcome one of the internet’s toughest hurdles – censorship in countries like China and Iran.

The Challenge of Censorship

Navigating the complex landscape of internet censorship, especially in China and Iran, is a daunting task. These restrictions, ranging from social media blocks to news access limitations, not only curb the free flow of information but also impinge on personal freedoms. Our new Xray protocol is crafted to dismantle these digital walls.

Introducing the Xray Protocol

Our Xray protocol employs innovative techniques to mask VPN traffic, allowing it to blend seamlessly with regular internet traffic. This advancement means that users in high-censorship regions can now access blocked websites and services, effectively bypassing governmental restrictions.

Visualizing the concept of breaking digital boundaries in the context of internet censorship in China and Iran. These visuals symbolize the overcoming of internet censorship and the empowerment in digital freedom. Photo by Tegant VPN

Enhancing Your VPN Experience with Xray

But Xray isn’t just about bypassing censorship; it’s also about fortifying your online privacy and security. Combining top-notch encryption with sophisticated obfuscation, Xray ensures your digital footprints are well-concealed from prying eyes, which is vital in surveillance-heavy regions.

Real-World Impact

For our users in China and Iran, the Xray protocol is nothing short of revolutionary. It paves the way to unfettered internet access, empowering them to explore and connect with the global digital community without constraints.


The introduction of the Xray protocol represents a significant leap in our ongoing commitment to internet freedom. By equipping our users with tools to counteract stringent censorship, we’re not just offering a VPN service – we’re championing the intrinsic right to unfettered access to information. As we continue to confront internet censorship, Tegant VPN remains dedicated to fostering a world where the internet is open and accessible to all.

Why not get started today? Get Tegant VPN now and try it out for free.