Introducing The Safe-Mode

We have been so successful, it seems, that on 7th July 2020, Emirates Telecommunication banned our IKEv2 VPN on their home broadband packages. We investigated, over many weeks, how we could mitigate the situation. We reached out to our users and ran a number of tests with local volunteers.

Stealth VPN - Person with anonymous mask Photo by Chaozzy Lin

Tegant Safe Mode

We then began development on an alternative VPN protocol called OpenVPN. After seven weeks of development we discovered a way of hiding the VPN hand-shake and circumventing the blockage. We cannot guarantee that they will not find a way to block us again, but with the experience gained, we now know how to change our footprint.

The VPN game is a game of cat and mouse. There are governments out there that, for self-interested reasons, do not want their citizens to have access to a free, unfettered internet. And then there is us, who strive to oppose such restriction and suppression, and promote freedom of both expression and information.

Tegant has now been released with the new Safe-Mode. Enable it if the Free-Mode isn’t working for you.

Now you have two options!

Why not get started today? Get Tegant VPN now and try it out for free.


The safe mode has proven to be unbreakable since its introduction in August 2020. We have once again many happy customers across the globe enjoying freedom on the internet.